Shadows Over Loathing – Dauphin House Quest Guide


    This is a guide to help you navigate your way around Dauphin House. I couldn’t find a complete guide for this anywhere so I decided I’d make one. I hope you find this helpful!

    How to complete the Dauphin House quest

    Spoiler guide to completing Dauphin House

    You unlock this location by going to the Sunken Boxcar location and talking to Pepperidge Dauphin. You will need a wire coat hanger or a crimped key. However, you’ll find a wire coat hanger while going through the rooms in this quest line so it’s not necessary to bring it, but using the Cursed Key is an option (since there are 6 instances where a hanger is needed to open something). But there are only 5 hangers in the game that I know of, please correct me if I’m wrong). Here are the steps for Dauphin House:

    • Look in the hole in the tree to get the “Missy” key. Go inside the kitchen (first door on the right). Fish the sink then “rifle through it” to get a lock. Use the “Moose” key to unlock the fridge which gives you a lock and a key in a block of ice. Look in the cupboard which gives you a “can of fruit cocktail” which gives +1 to every “M” stat (you might want to save this item for the end game).
    • The room next to the kitchen is full. If you got the diving helmet from outside the SIT Fission Chips location (requires muscle stat), equip it and go inside. Here you don’t find any keys or locks, but you do find several items, including “heaps of silver bars”. Sells for 1000 meat and a scarf accessory that gives +5 warm armor.
    • Go into the bathroom which is the leftmost door and melt the key in the bathtub to get a “Cold” key which will unlock the medicine cabinet in that bathroom giving you another lock and combat/medicine. Items will be available. Equip a fishing pole and fish the toilet. Then flush it to see if “something is wrong”. Check it to get the “wet” key, which opens the middle (non-flooded) door giving you a lock and access to the second floor. Don’t forget to flush the toilet a second time to get “flush” credit for this achievement.
    • When on the second floor, go into the door on the right to the right bedroom. Look in the closet for some pants and a wire coat hanger. Check under the pillow to get a “shiny” key that unlocks the left bedroom and gives you a lock.
    • After unlocking the left bedroom with the “shiny” key, go in and check the desk where the lamp is for a goodie. Look in the vanity drawer to get the items. Search the nightstand to find items and a “disappointing” key that unlocks the attic (middle upstairs) door and gives you a lock.
    • After unlocking the attic door with the “Disappointing” key, go up and pick up the “Handcrafted Radio” from the table. It is automatically “equipped” and can be used by pressing the spacebar. About the handmade radio… use it in every room you go into. Use the space bar. Listen for clues, all of them, everywhere you go…otherwise some essential key location “prompts” won’t be unlocked, preventing you from finding the keys you need to complete the quest.
    • When you leave the attic and are in the hallway above, press the space bar, listen for the prompt and then walk to the right where an empty vessel is sitting and you will get a prompt that allows you to look inside it. will The “dirty” key that unlocks the nightstand in the right bedroom.
    • Go into the right bedroom. Be sure to press the spacebar while there and listen to the prompt. Nightstand gives you another lock and some items.
    • Go into the left bedroom, press the spacebar and hear the prompt “painting” then head downstairs to the main area and when you are close enough to the “eyepatch” portrait you will get a prompt to look behind it. Should. Find the “sticky” key that will open the tool case in the garage. Press the spacebar and listen to the prompt.
    • Use a wire coat hanger or a cursed key to open the car, get the “tainted” key that opens the garage and gives a lock.
    • Go into the garage and press the spacebar to hear the prompt. Use the “sticky” key to unlock the tool case which gives you another padlock and a weapon (“handsaw”) as well as the “rusty” key for the china cabinet. Stay in the garage and go to the workbench on the left. If you listened to the prompt, you should get a prompt telling you to look under the workbench where you’ll find the “loose” key that opens the cedar chest in the left bedroom upstairs.
    • Back in the house, open the china cabinet on the main floor and the cedar chest in the left bedroom on the second floor for your last two locks.

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