Rocket League Players Association: ‘For Players, By Players’


    A Rocket League Players Association (RLPA) announced its launch today (July 17), and its board of community figures to join forces and democratically unite professional players and coaches/managers. Inviting to bridge the gap between developers, sports tournament organizers, And the players themselves.

    Today, the RLPA has officially opened its doors, where it once was. Rocket League Agent Jonny Davis will join Matthew”Setheo“Ackerman, Leonardo”Toronto“Wilson, Nicholas”Nick“Marvin, Noah “Noah” Obligation to act as an independent and voluntary committee (prior to their own votes on matters) which will assist players in migrating to the Association and provide communication between all parties involved.

    The RLPA comes after years of strained relations between RLCS players and league players. First, The organizations filed letters to Psyonix. In an effort to improve communication across the board, and players have often called for unionization between “hunting” contracts.

    Now, after eight months of organization, the RLPA is now live and will accept applications, and will live under the motto “For Sportsmen, By Sportsmen”.

    Why is the Rocket League Players Association needed?

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    “There were a lot of things in terms of how the transition was going in some ways and the fact that Windows just didn’t seem right and it felt like there was no communication between Psyonix and the player base. It’s better. to build,” co-founder and chief executive Jonny Davis told GGRecon.

    Davies was previously an agent in sports, particularly inside brave And Rocket LeagueWhere he managed players like Pojan.FNS“Mehta (NRG), Curtis”I wish“Cannon, and Andrea”Radosin” Before starting RLPA with Radovanović, former professional and coaches.

    Communication between Psyonix and players is now at an all-time low, Davis told GGRecon, in part due to the fact that the young player base has leaked important information that they were already told, causing trust. The barrier has been broken.

    “I think the ultimate goal of the startup is to create a feedback loop between the player base, the elite player base, and Psionics. Basically, I think players want to have an impact on their game and be able to throw out ideas and questions. Want. [to Psyonix]and get that feedback.

    “There are so many different questions that players are asking Psyonix, and in so many different places, that it’s impossible to answer them. I think the way we’ve set it up and the way it’s going to work The thing is, it’s going to slow everyone down. The questions and all the information is really digestible.”

    “We can provide feedback and hopefully it can either be acted upon or we can find reasons why it’s not. Besides, it’s what the members want.”

    How will the Rocket League Players Association work?

    Click to enlarge.

    The RLPA has pledged that it will be fully democratic, meaning no board member will have a vote, and all committees will be elected directly by the players.

    Each RLCS competing region will have its own Discord server where players who have been accepted into the association will first vote for a leading regional committee and a regional chair, and all chairs will join an international committee. , where they will be able to voice. Can engage in collaborative discussions with the concerns of players in their region and with developers, if they wish to be involved in the negotiations.

    Davis confirmed to us that there have been no discussions between the RLPA and Psyonix yet, so there’s no confirmation whether developers will comply with the talks, or choose to ignore them. , although he acknowledged that a widespread player walkout is likely. Similar to League of Legends, should they ever present dilemmas to the psionics that they don’t solve.

    “I’m really confident with the conversation. But proof of the pudding, and when the players buy in, I think it makes sense for the psionics to buy in as well. I like to think I’m excited and I think so. Will happen because, initially, we exist to make things easier.

    Until now, the RLPA would only be available to RLCS players, with entry requirements to keep the association “exclusive.” Limitations such as “if he has qualified for and participated in at least one RLCS regional event in the past 180 days” exist for “full membership”, while there will also be an associate membership with a minimum entry. There will be requirements.

    So far, the RLPA will only be available to active players and coaches who meet the requirements, but if successful, they will seek to expand women’s carball and protect casters and talent within the scene. .

    The Rocket League Players Association will be “by the players, for the players.”

    One of the main goals Davis hammered home was that the RLPA would be run entirely by players and coaches, and that the board would have no influence over what a player-selected committee could make of Psionics. Can or can’t.

    “Ultimately it’s for the players, by the players, and that’s really what I want. I don’t want any outside influence. It’s got to be a community-driven thing, and I’d like to keep it that way. This is where many other associations have gone wrong and, and problems are encountered.

    “If members want to take it in a particular direction, for example, use our service in the same way as the PFA – which is Professional Footballers Association In the UK – where they do model contracts saying we’d like contracts to be like that, there’s no law that Psyonix needs to follow, but it’s a good starting point.”

    Acknowledging that communication between players and psionics may have been lost through leaks and trust issues, Davies hopes the RLPA will promote a more mature attitude within the scene, and professionalism. will promote, even though there is a clear possibility of it becoming insane and not working, because the board cannot intervene.

    “It’s something we’ve looked at because the base of the play is young. But, I think it’s about the tone to start with. I think if we come out with the right tone and we’re really professional. Go out in style, so it can be. I think if we go in casually, like me, I don’t always say we have a shot, to get it off on the right foot.

    “I think people will buy it. I think people have wanted it for so long, and if we say, ‘Let’s make it work, let’s not take it for granted and treat it the wrong will work.

    The RLPA will also have a “comprehensive rule book” for members, including disciplinary meetings to manage maturity and professionalism.

    Davis and the board aim to develop a full RLPA for the 2023-24 season, with each regional and international committee established.


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