Overwatch 2 players are becoming tired of Twitch drops as one of the only ways to earn a free content in the game


    The game is limited to free when the developer started Overwatch 2 first. The game carries a lot of information, but when it comes to playing the game, it is a very rare way for players to earn free content.

    Twitch drops have filled the void for free content, and most players have already earned some of them that way. This concept is simple: watch your favorite Twitch streamer for several hours and earn a game worth taking. But fans quickly become tired of the passive nature of earning rewards and are starting to talk about their desire to earn them in-game.

    The conversation was spurred when Reddit raised a thread yesterday about how players can earn in-game loot which is in the shop through a Twitch drop campaign that begins on Christmas. Many people complain that theyd rather finish something in the game, such as challenges. In the week, the players can earn the skins, sprays and other goodies just by playing that game.

    OVERWATCH 2 SEASON 2 https://t.co/syds/SYDsOEmXzz LOCAL SKIN FREE TWITCH DROPS EVENT Dec 25th through January 4th, watch #Overwatch2 streamers on Twitch for two hours to earn a DFDVa Victory and then 3 hours to earn a DHLV! pic.twitter.com/UdutjJi6S 3d, 3rd and 4 hours

    Naeri X (@OverwatchNaeri) October 13, 2022

    The next step is to try this challenge. Players can earn rewards in-game via the free version of the battle pass, but there are quite few earnable things based on seasonal events. Twitch drops have filled the void, but players have become tired of trying to get rewards. They even said they’re muting in the background while others do other things.

    You are not only frustrated with the way you earn in-game items, but also in poor mood with the items on offer. Many skins are repeats of skins that could have been earned in the first game.

    It is doubtful that Blizzard will change its procedure on the Twitch drops, but fans hoping that this company can get more earnable rewards in the games instead of just throwing away the streamers to give that bonus to the players.


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