NBA 2K23 – How to Fix Online Lag/Shooting Lag


    How to fix online lag and shooting lags so the game feels like “PlayNow”.

    Guide to correct interval/shooting interval online

    How to fix the problem

    Ok so this is very random but it worked for me.

    1. You must change the size of the paging file to the recommended size.
    2. Go to this PC.
    3. Right-click an empty field and select Properties.
    4. Then tap on Advanced System Settings.
    5. Then click on Performance Press Settings – Advanced – Press Change – Automatically Manage… Off – Select Custom Size and enter the recommended amount in both fields –
    6. Plug in and restart the PC.

    I have 16 RAM and set it to 3000 mb as the recommended was 2937 mb.

    This guide may or may not help you, other things that helped me reduce the lag was turning off shadows, enabling V-Sync and setting the monitor I run at 60HZ.

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