How to make $500K+ as a scammer in BitLife


    Whether you’ve always yearned for a life of crime or are trying to complete the Riches to Rags challenge, life as a con man has its perks. This is how you can really take home a lot of money by racking up over half a million scamming those around you.

    How to be a successful scammer in BitLife

    The first step to scam everyone is to become an official scammer. To do this, you must first purchase the Street Hustler pack before you can find Scam Artistry located in the Occupations tab. Once your character is over the age of 18 and has graduated from high school, you can register as an official scammer.

    Related: How to become a CEO in BitLife

    One of the key skills you’ll want to focus on is street smarts. This is a skill set that affects how well you will scam and the types of people who will be available to scam. Charity Collection and VIP Ticket scams tend to generate the highest returns.

    When you’re getting started, we recommend that you focus on the People tab instead of working on the Scams tab. You can do this by choosing the richest person you find in the People tab and choosing a scam. If the scam works, you will earn money and increase your street smarts. If the scam doesn’t work, just close the app and try again. Stay away from streets that have a high police presence to avoid being arrested.

    Looking for more BitLife content in MyFullGames? Check out How to Earn Over a Million Hustle Winnings in BitLife.


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