How to hide from enemy line of sight in Helldivers 2


    If you want to hide from your enemy’s line of sight in Helldivers 2, there’s a creative way to do so using a throwing weapon. This guide will show you a clever trick that utilizes the game’s smoke grenade, allowing you to safely escape to take cover.

    How to break enemy line of sight in Helldivers 2

    This trick revolves around the G-3 Smoke grenade in Helldivers 2, which is classified as a throwing weapon. In a nutshell: if you arm and hold the G-3 smoke grenade and Hold it in your hand Instead of throwing it like you would a normal grenade, it will explode naturally. But unlike a frag grenade, it will not explode. No damagestuns or knocks your Helldiver back. Instead, it will do so immediately. hide shields you from all enemy lines of sight, giving you a brief moment of relief. Pretty clever, huh?

    To get the most out of this trick, first make sure you have the G-3 Smoke Grenade equipped as a throwing weapon, which you can do via Arsenal Menu while you are on your boat.

    Then when you are in a round of Helldivers 2, start by equipping your throwing weapon. I have this action tied to the 4 key on the PC. Alternatively, you can also press the key GRAM Key on PC to quickly use your throwable item with the Quick Throw action. Whichever option you choose, just make sure to hold down the Fire or Quick Throw button until the smoke grenade detonates in your hand like in the video above.

    You might be wondering how this move is different from simply throwing a smoke grenade. The good thing about this is that if you manage to get the grenade to detonate in your hand, enemies will attack you. Keep shooting in the general direction of where they think they last saw you, like in the famous Hitman series.

    That’s why I highly recommend making good use of this cheat, especially when playing on the higher difficulties of the game. This is because it temporarily remove all aggro from your Helldiver as you run towards the nearest large obstacle for cover or to reposition yourself for a surprise flank attack. It’s all about tactics, baby.

    Looking for the best arsenal to use against automatons in Helldivers 2? Then look no further than the best strategies against automatons in Helldivers 2 at MyFullGames.

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