How to get the Verdant Skitterfly mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight


    Looking to add another Skitterfly mount to your accumulated collection? Well, you’re in luck, because the Verdant Skitterfly is probably the easiest to obtain… with one caveat. These are the requirements and everything you need to know about how to get the Verdant Skitterfly mount in WoW Dragonflight.

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    The best thing about the Verdant Skitterfly mount is that the requirements to obtain it are extremely minimal compared to its raw variants. Unlike the other Skitterfly mounts, the Verdant Skitterfly only has one requirement:

    • Reach Renown Rank 25 with the Dragonscale Expedition

    Now, if you’re already at Renown Rank 25, you’re probably wondering why you don’t have this mount yet. This is because the method to obtain it is related to RNG (random number generation). To obtain this mount, you will need to search Expedition Scouting Packs They are scattered throughout the entire Broken Isles. Mount is a fairly rare drop from these packs, but it’s tied purely to luck, hence the mention of RNG. In which case you can loot one and get the mount, or you can loot 1000 and never see it. However, based on what we know, you’ll likely get the mount long before you hit pack 1000.

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    Expedition Scout Packs appear on your minimap when you’re close to them, but they also share the exact same icon as Disturbed Dirt, which will make finding them much more difficult. It is not to worry. We found that removing any expedition shovels from your inventory will prevent disturbed dirt piles from being highlighted on your minimap. Doing this will make finding the packages much more efficient and much less of a headache.

    For more useful content on WoW Dragonflight, check out our article on How to Get the Zenet Hatchling Mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight right here at MyFullGames.


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