How to ascend the dam in God of War Ragnarök


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    The Vanaheim Crater region in God of War Ragnarök is expansive and full of quests you can undertake to gather some great loot for yourself. One of the Boons you can undertake is called Return of the River, in which you will travel into the jungle to ascend and open a dam that Odin built. He completely dried up the river that ran through the area. Here’s how to climb the dam and complete the Favor.

    How to complete Return of the River Favor in God of War Ragnarok – Vanaheim

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    To begin this quest, you will need to head towards the western edge of the Vanaheim Jungle Area. Check the map above for the location of the dam. Once you’ve activated the quest, the path to the dam is pretty straightforward with only a few Wulvers in your way. You will come to a point with red vines blocking your path, use a stealth arrow and the R1 + L2 combo your Blades of Chaos to power up and remove the vines. You will then be able to use the elevator that the vines were blocking.

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    Once you’ve reached the top level, you’ll have some enemies to plow through and some hacksilver chests to loot. Once this is done, look for the Druapnir spearhead hidden behind the barrels shown above. You will have to stick a spear into the yellow cracks and then press Triangle to trigger an explosion and advance through a hole in the wall.

    Related: Where to find the legendary chest in The Plains in God of War Ragnarok

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    On the other side of the wall, you will have to fight again. We highly recommend taking out the Nokken hiding in a prey alcove first, then taking on the rest of your opponents. Once all the enemies are out of your way, you will be able to use your stealth arrows and Blades of Chaos to clear all the red vines on this side of the dam wall, then use the wooden wheel to open it up and make the dam wall river flow again. Before we continue, don’t forget to grab half of the Mead Stein for Casualty of War: The Stein Favor.

    How to complete What Lies Below Favor in God of War Ragnarök

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    Before leaving the dam, you may want to deal with the Dreki you saw while opening the dam. To do so, you will need to use your Draupnir Spear on the wall directly behind you when you were raising the dam gates. Please refer to the image above for the angle we used to register the spear. Press Circle to use the spear and jump to the now drained area. In a few steps you will tear down a gold chain. You can use it to go down into a boss fight with two Dreki. It is very similar to the Boss fight found at the end of your quest through Freya’s Wedding Shrine. Defeating the Dreki will complete this boon, and now the river will be full again so you can explore further in the Vanaheim jungle.

    Looking for more help in this area? Check out What to do with Shards and Crystal Shards in God of War Ragnarök here on MyFullGames.


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