Go-fly: Redfall is not like Left 4 Dead


    Summer 2021 Bethesda Softworks and the Arkane studio announced an annual shooter on Redfall, a group of vampires from the open world. The game was compared to the famous series that started just one click away from the beginning. Although these developers don’t support this point of view, the developers don’t support this approach. In an interview, GamesRadar creator Ricardo Baer said that the game was intended to be a warm-up after years of work on Prey and Dishonored. The developers, however, overestimated their strength a little, and decided to use the open world and multiplayer simultaneously. That is why the creation process was delayed.

    Redfall creators understand how the game is compared to Left 4 Dead, but they assure that the gameplay and the feel of those games are completely different. In Redfall, we would like to feel like Far Cry 2 or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    We wanted to look familiar with the place and see it closer. Redfall should be a place where after a few hours of exploration, we can get to Talos and Dunwall. When we say that we wanted to expand, what would we mean was that we take all of our experience and our creative values to a place where they’re open?

    Harvey Smith

    Redfall Island is much larger than Talos, so it wasn’t just supposed to fight here. At the safe base, you can talk with NPCs, go to side quests and play your own story. But nobody will forbid you to ignore the tasks and just get out of the open world in search of adventure and exploration.

    Redfall players are able to get their curiosity and ingenuity to the test. By freeing city blocks from vampires, it will save the townspeople and allow them to live more comfortably. And the biggest difference from Far Cry will be that we won’t have any transport, we’ll have to explore the world slowly, tenant to the dangers.

    You can fight vampires and cultists alone but sometimes it will be necessary to do the same with three players. After all, there will be no alterations and a void of the characters. The same name as those who have all the identical titles might belong to the groups. Because variety doesn’t just help in combat, character is communicating and gaining trust.

    To win the match, Arkane enlisted the help of FPS experts. In particular, developers were consulted by studios that work on Doom.

    Redfall has no date yet. In other words, it is rumored that it will be released in early May 2023.

    Igromania more.


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