Destiny 2 – Temporary Authorization Granted Buff, Explained


    Starting in the fourth week of the Seraph Season questline, Guardians will have the ability to choose one of three Infiltrator Gear upgrades on the Exo Frame. These will allow Destiny 2 players to progress through various locked doors and laser grids in Operation: Seraph’s Shield. The Security Clearance update will grant Guardians the Temporary Clearance upgrade granted when interacting with locked doors. But it’s not as simple as opening the door. Here’s how to enter.

    How to open locked doors in Operation: Seraph’s Shield

    After interacting with the gate, Guardians will gain the temporary clearance upgrade. This will persist for 30 seconds. Look on the left side of the door and you will see a pattern. Inside the room, there will be three panels with different patterns. Shoot the correct pattern to assemble the BrayTech Org symbol. Once all three have been activated, the door will open.

    Related: Destiny 2 API and Companion App will be down until next week

    It’s a bit silly and complicated. But, that’s the way Destiny 2 operates sometimes. Note that if you or another member of your team has this upgrade unlocked, you can open the gates for your fellow Guardians. It only takes a few seconds to do and helps them get all 50 Zero Review nodes done.

    For more Destiny 2 news, check out Destiny 2: Zero Review Catalyst Quest Steps in the Pro Gaming Guides.


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