All characters, skills and voice actors in Concord


    With a roster of 16 characters, Concord has a diverse group to choose from and many of them are interesting to me. Here’s everything I know about Concord’s Freegunners and their abilities.

    All Freegunners listed in Concord – Skills and Voice Actors

    Concord will launch with 16 Freegunners and Firewalk Studios plans to release additional heroes after launch. Of the 16, we know information about a handful and will learn more during the open beta. Here’s everything we know about the Concord characters.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Lennox is your typical space gunslinger, and he looks similar to Overwatch’s Clay Cassidy. His primary weapon is a revolver, and he excels at dealing damage, especially with headshots. His abilities include a self-healing ability and a dodge roll that allows him to reload for free. He also has explosive throwing knives that act like grenades. Lennox seems well-suited for a DPS role, but he’s not limited to this.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Haymar wields a crossbow with incendiary projectiles, but can also cast fire-based spells. These can be used to throw flashbangs at enemies and stun them, or Haymar can cast a wall of fire to seal off an area. He can also hover in the air to reposition himself.

    Child star

    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    While Star Child’s class is unknown, he has both tank and melee DPS traits. Star Child can charge around the map and take down players. He also appears to have jumping capabilities for increased positioning. Combining these with his shotgun and melee attacks makes him deadly up close.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    1-OFF is a tank character with support options that involve movement. His large cannon seems to be able to pull enemies and objects towards himself. 1-OFF can also drop a device that creates a spiraling air current. Additionally, he can stomp the ground at anyone who gets close.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: Bewitchment
    • Bender: A stranger

    Vale is a sniper and is of the Haunt class. Vale excels at reaching higher ground with his high jump ability, but he can also place trip mines to protect key areas and points. Vale’s weapon is a pistol and is best for close range encounters.

    Wild pig

    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Boar is a support character and uses a healing orb to keep his teammates alive. Boar’s weapon looks like a futuristic crossbow, but it’s hard to tell exactly how it works at this point.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: Forest Ranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Teo seems to be the most similar to Overwatch’s Soldier 76, and many will feel right at home if they’re used to Call of Duty. He appears to use a submachine gun and focuses on a run-and-gun style of play. We know that Teo is the Ranger class.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class:Strategist
    • Bender: A stranger

    Daw is a tactical character and excels at providing support. Daw can place a healing station to heal multiple Freegunners in a small area and can also place a barrier that deflects projectiles while inside. His primary weapon appears to be an assault rifle of some sort.


    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    It-Z is completely unknown, except for the character’s name. During the open beta, we will update this post when we know more.


    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Unfortunately, we don’t know anything about Bazz other than the name of this character. We should learn more during the open beta and will update the information at that time.


    Screenshot via Sony YouTube
    • Class: A stranger
    • Bender: A stranger

    Roka wields a rocket and appears to be a combination of Junkrat and Pharah. She is capable of triple-jumping and hovering in the air. Her primary weapon is a large rocket launcher with a targeting feature. She can also crash into the ground with an area-of-effect attack.

    For more information on Concord, check out Early previews show that Concord isn’t as bad as everyone thought in the pro gaming guides.

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