Growing Up Character Walkthroughs


An ongoing guide on how to get good ends and how your choices affect your relationships. Updating as I’m playing!

Alex Beaufort

General info: Alex will only date you if you play a male character

You’ll meet Alex in Elementary school, when you’re around 5 years old. She’s introduced as the “scruffy girl” alongside Joseph.

1. In your first scene, when asked what to play, here are your choices:

>> Superheroes

Everybody will proclaim they love superheroes.

You unlock the School Entrance as a new visitable location.

2. Your second scene will be the next day. Alex wants to save you and Joseph this time. Here are your choices:

>> The girl can be the hero

Alex is pleased and you play the game.

>> Save the other kid first

Alex will comment how brave you are.

You all have a great time!

3. Your third scene is the day after. Alex throws a pebble at you. Here are your choices:

>> Play along

Alex is pleased with your response. Her competitive nature starts to come out.

>> Ask about parents

Her embarrassment comes out and she says that her parents work at a bank (Not true).

4. Your fourth scene is the day after, in the classroom. Here are your choices:

>> Go to the sports hall

You go to the sports hall where a bunch of boys are playing soccer. They won’t let you join so Alex kicks a ball square into somebody’s face.

>> Defend Alex

Because why wouldn’t you?

You unlock the Gym and Library as new visitable locations.

5. Your fifth scene is the day after, at the park with Alex. Here are your choices:

>> Let’s jump!

Alex DARES you to jump.

>> Do it!

You go in order of height, Joseph going first. He begins to drown!

>> Help the boy

Of course you help the boy, don’t wait for a teacher!

You unlock Ghost Water Park as a new visitable location.

6. Your sixth scene is the day after. You’re getting yelled at by the teacher for river jumping. Here are your choices:

>> Stay quiet

You’re no snitch! But Alex gives herself up.

>> Agree with Alex.

Competition is fun for Alex and most of her “good” choices will be focused around encouraging competitive behaviour.

7. Your seventh scene is the end of elementary school. Alex sprained her ankle! Here are your choices:

>> Sympathize

She didn’t make it across the river! What a crazy kid for trying.

>> Agree to race Alex

Of course she’s still competitive and wants to race despite her ankle.

8. Your eighth scene is by the second week of middle school. You get bumped into by a scruffy looking kid. Here are your choices:

>> Stay calm

She apologizes and recognizes you.

>> It’s Alex!

You unlock the Corridor as a new visitable location.

9. Your ninth scene is about two days later. You and Alex go to the arcade. Here are your choices:

>> The Ship

You’re glad you didn’t choose Space Sheep because she is top of the leaderboard and would’ve kicked your butt.

>> Play to win

You’re no wimp, you play for keeps.

You unlock Starcade 80 as a new visitable location.

10. In your tenth scene, you meet Alex in the corridor. She’s upset because BTY knocked her off the top spot for Space Sheep. Here are your choices:

>> Go to the mall

You go to the mall and proceed to crush her at bowling. She’s sad but you gotta make your choice.

>> Bring it home

Alex never wants you to take it easy on her.

>> Hug her (if you’re romancing her)
>> High five (if you’re going the friend route)

When you hug her, she seems awkward at first, but she turns back to look at you. Your scene dialogue will change slightly from here going forward and it’s very cute.

11. In your eleventh scene, you’re racing Alex. Here are your choices:

>> Stay with Alex

Finishing a race that your competitor can’t run would be pretty crummy. Alex treats you to burgers.

12. In your twelfth scene, you take homework to an absent Alex. Here are your choices:

>> You head in

You find out she lives at the carnival! You’re greeted by her mom and find out she played hooky. Oops. Don’t worry, you bail her out.

You unlock Funtasy Carnival as a new visitable location.

13. In your thirteenth scene, you eat lunch with Alex at the sports field. Here are your choices:

>> It’s cool!

Honestly I do think living in a carnival would be very cool.

>> Hold her hand (If you want to romance her)
>> Glad we’re friends (If you want to be friends)

14. In your fourteenth scene, you meet Alex at the arcade. Here are your choices.

>> Go to Space Sheep

She’s frustrated because a player named BTY kicked her off the first page of the leaderboard.

>> Big Talking Yak

This gets a huge laugh out of her.

>> Let’s beat this guy!

Because of course, she’s Alex, competitive spirit and all.

If you’re romancing her, and you hugged her in scene 10, she’ll plant a kiss on your cheek!! How cute!!

15. In your fifteenth scene, you meet Alex at the carnival. Here are your choices:

>> Rollercoaster (If you’re romancing her)
>> Shooting Gallery (If you’re just friends)

If you hugged her in scene 10 and you’re romancing her, she’ll touch your hand! Also very cute.

16. In your sixteenth scene, you and Alex start high school. Or…. were supposed to but she’s not here. Here are your choices:

>> Look for Alex

>> Lobby

She’s not at school….

You unlock Lobby as a new visitable location.

17. In your seventeenth scene, your teacher notes that Alex is absent again. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about Alex

Your teacher can’t give out personal info.

>> Worried

You have a bad feeling about this.

18. In your eighteenth scene, you look for Alex at the arcade. But she’s not here. Here are your choices:

>> Check Space Sheep

BTY is #1 and ALX is #2. She hasn’t been here.

>> Purple sheep

19. In your nineteenth scene, you look for Alex at the carnival. Here are your choices:

>> Shooting Gallery

You wonder if you could ask Shane where Alex is. But he’s not there? Alex’s mom finds you and tells you that she’s in the hospital.

>> Visit Alex.

Alex’s mom thanks you.

20. In your twentieth scene, you find Alex at the hospital. Here are your choices:

>> Hug her (If you’re romancing her)
>> Say hello (If you’re just friends)

She tells you that Shane AKA Mr. BTY is in the hospital because of a dare she gave him.

>> Ask about the dares

You ask her why she likes dares so much. She can’t help it, it’s her nature.

>> Reach for her hand

If you’re romancing her, reach for her hand!! If you’re not, choose the other option.

You unlock the Hospital as a new visitable location.

20.1 This scene is exclusive if you’re romancing Alex. Here are your choices:

>> Agree with her

She switches to the green sheep, BTY’s color.

>> Write ALX

You buy slushies and then she confesses to you!!!! SHE CALLS YOU HER BOYFRIEND!

>> Kiss her

Too cute.

21. In your twenty-first scene, ALEX IS FINALLY IN CLASS! Here are your choices:

>> Just friends

You and Alex are best friends.

>> In love with Alex

The second option will only succeed if you triggered scene 20.1 above. She kisses you and puts her head on your shoulder. Life’s great.

22. FRIENDS: In your twenty-second and last scene, Alex has a lot of work to catch up on. Here are your choices:

>> Offer help

The one with the lowest GPA buys burgers! That gets her interest.

>> Go to the arcade

She was thinking the exact same thing. You’re thankful to have her in your life.

22.1 DATING: In your twenty-second and last scene, Alex has a lot of work to catch up on, but all she wants to do is cuddle with you.

>> My place?

Good end: She buys the arcade and names it “Alex’s Arcade”


General info: Alicia will date you if you play a male or female character.

You’ll meet Alicia in elementary school.

1. In your first scene, Alicia is bullying a girl because of her (mom’s) slip-ons. Here are your choices:

>> Get involved

>> Defend the girl

You get involved and stand up to Alicia. She tells you that you have dog breath.

Note: If you choose “Make fun of the girl’s hair”, you will also bully the slip-on girl. I accidentally chose it thinking that I would make fun of Alicia’s hair, but nope.

2. In your second scene, you meet Alicia in the cafeteria. She buys all the cafeteria food and tosses it in the trash. Here are your choices:

>> Yell at her

Wow, that’s wasteful. You better go teach her a lesson.

>> Ruin her lunch

It’s kind of weird that you have to bully Alicia to get her to respect you but it works.

You unlock the Cafeteria as a new visitable location.

3. In your third scene, Alicia calls you out in the hallway. Here are your choices:

>> Make fun of Alicia

Still really weird how you have to bully her to get respect, but you have to stand up for yourself I guess?

4. In your fourth scene, you see Alicia at the mall with her mom. Here are your choices:

>> Head over

She asks what you want.

>> Empathize with her

She insults you and you turn away but then she calls you back.

>> Offer peace

She doesn’t know why she started picking on you in the first place and offers to take you shopping.

>> Take her up on it

Free shopping trip? Yes please!

5. In your fifth scene, you go shopping with Alicia. Here are your choices:

>> Ask if she really hates her

She doesn’t really know. She tells you that dressing nice is important.

>> Is it for her parents?

She brushes it off then elaborates saying that people judge you based on what you wear and first impressions don’t really go away. Too true, Alicia.

>> Admit her life sounds hard

She brushes it off again and says at least she can use her dad’s card. She doesn’t want your pity though and asks you to look at her outfit.

6. In your sixth scene, you spend the day at the carnival with Alicia. Here are your choices:

>> Chat casually

She doesn’t really like it when you talk bad about her family.

>> Ask about brother

Her brother is the golden child and she’s sad she’s not treated the same way.

>> Ask about her future

She suggests that you two hang out.

You unlock the Funtasy Carnival as a new visitable location.

7. In your seventh scene, you find Alicia out on the sports field. Here are your choices:

>> Just hang out

You both talk about high school.

>> Agree it’ll be lame

Cold and aloof, remember!

You’re both excited to be in some classes together and hang out more.

You unlock the Sports Field as a new visitable location.

8. In your eighth scene, you encounter Alicia at the school entrance with a bunch of her popular girl friends. Here are your choices:

>> Joke with her

She invites you to sit with her at lunch!

>> Join her at lunch

You’ve got a spot at the popular table now!

9. In your ninth scene, your school is planning a dance and Alicia is part of the committee. She wants to spike the drinks. Here are your choices:

>> This is a bad idea

She’ll call you a wet blanket, but somebody has to be the voice of reason.

>> Stick with Alicia

Alicia gets caught and is dragged off by a teacher.

10. In your tenth scene, Alicia is crying under the bleachers. Here are your choices:

>> Sit next to her

She tells you that her parents got divorced and her dad yelled at her for getting suspended. She also has to do community service for spiking the punch.

>> Support her

You offer to visit her at the hospital during her shifts and she seems happy.

You unlock Ghost Water Park as a new visitable location.

Note: If you berate her, you’ll cut off her path and she’ll want nothing to do with you.

11. In your eleventh scene, you visit Alicia in the hospital. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about that

She tells you about hospice and how it makes her realize how good she has it. She asks you to come again.

You unlock the Hospital as a new visitable location.

12. In your twelfth scene, you visit Alicia in the hospital again. There was a salmonella outbreak and she is NOT happy. Here are your choices:

>> Tell her to buck up

She tells you to do her job for her. You tell her no thank you.

>> Ask about her family

She’s going to her dad’s this weekend. Apparently everybody is a vapid idiot.

>> Tell her to be nice

She berates you but flashes you a charming grin.

13. In your thirteenth scene, you see Alicia in the hospital again. She’s in a terrible mood because her dad wants to close down the hospital. Here are your choices:

>> Ask her why she cares

She says she doesn’t, but she clearly does.

>> Talk her into asking her brother

Strange enough as it seems, she does need to confront her family. She has a day off and wants to invite you out. At this point you can choose the art gallery or the diner, it doesn’t actually matter. I like the art gallery better, just as a spot to go to in general, so that’s what I’ll be choosing.

>> Going to an art gallery

You invite her along and she says yes.

14. In your fourteenth scene, you meet Alicia at the art gallery. Here are your choices:

>> Show her your favorite painting

Your favorite painting is a painting that makes you feel bad. She actually gets it. She tried talking to her brother and dad and brother about the hospital and they laughed at her.

>> Put your arm around her

She leans into it. You have a few options, if you don’t want to romance Alicia then pick:

>> Just enjoy the evening

If you do want to romance Alicia, then well… pick:

>> Kiss Alicia

This dialogue was literally such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rollercoaster, I felt nervous for my character just reading it. But it all worked out in the end!!

You unlock the Art Space Gallery as a new visitable location.

15. In your fifteen scene, you see Alicia at the hospital again. Here are your choices:

>> Suggest a fundraiser

She wants to go to community college and maybe one day become a nurse or buy her brother out.

>> Focus on business

Note: If you choose Focus on Helping people, her ending is tough. She becomes a nurse but her dad and brother keep shutting down the hospitals that she works at.

>> Say you’re also going to community college
>> Kiss her deeply (If romancing Alicia)

She’s happy and tells about ones that she was looking into. She then stops and says you should enjoy the present, the future is still yet to come.

Good end: Alicia becomes a non-profit business consultant.

Felicity Browers A.K.A. Flick

General info: Flick will date you if you play a male character

1. In your first scene, Coach yells at you to go look for Felicity. Here are your choices:

>> Agree

You find her in the bathroom, a little out of it.

>> Tell her Coach sent you

She says that he worries too much, she has a pretty weak stomach.

>> Make a joke

You unlock the Bathroom as a new visitable location.

2. In your second scene, Flick invites you to grab a bite. Here are your choices:

>> Get something to eat

You go to the diner where she rants about her mom, Chatty Cathy.

>> Ask about her parents

She talks about her family and the fact that half a million people think they know her life because of her mom.

3. In your third scene, you go to the food court with Flick. Here are your choices:

>> Complain

A friendship is reciprocal.

>> Ask if she’s hungry

She brushes you off and said she ate before she got here.

>> Wish her luck

She tells you it’s about her brother and she needs to go.

4. Your fourth scene is almost immediately after. Flick catches you at the school entrance and is in distress. Here are your choices:

>> Just let her rant

She hates fake people. Fake people are ruining her life. She asks if you’re real.

>> Hug her (If you want to be friends)

She calms down and hugs you back.

>> Kiss her (if you want to romance her)

She gets really happy and kisses you back.

>> Kiss her again

She thanks you for being you.

5. In your fifth scene, you’re back at the diner. Here are your choices:

>> Ask her why she doesn’t eat

She says it was to stay light for flying.

>> Tell her that her health matters

She gets angry but eventually relents.

>> Talk about the future

She wants a lot of kids. She wants the good, the bad, she wants to have a big family.

>> Admit you love kids.

6. In your sixth scene, Flick calls you to the hospital. Here are your choices:

>> Just hold her

It’s her brother. He needs a whole new heart.

>> Take care of yourself

It’s sad but in order to take care of somebody you need to also take care of yourself, Flick.

Note: If you choose Take care of her brother, you will get a neutral ending that honestly seems more like a bad end.

7. In your seventh scene, you’re at the diner again. Here are your choices:

>> Agree with her

You joke that she’s the mean girl. She says she likes hanging out with you.

>> Ask about her brother

He’s doing better but she still worries.

8. In your eighth scene, you notice that Flick is missing and she won’t answer her phone. You find her at the hospital.

There are no choices, her brother is gone and she cries for a long time until she runs off.

9. In your ninth and last scene, you get deja vu all over again. Here are your choices.

>> Go look for Felicity

Of course you’ll go look for your friend.

>> Go inside

If you are a boy and are romancing her, you’ll have another option after you lock the door to stay silent or shout back. Stay silent because technically you’re not allowed in the girl’s bathroom!

She was angry at you, at herself, at everybody. Processing grief after somebody dies is hard, Flick.

>> You were wrong

Of course you wanted to talk to her, and you’ll be friends forever.

If you are romancing her, you’ll have an additional option to say you love her or start over.

>> Say you love her.

Good end: She’s really happy, opens up a restaurant and provides for her family.

Kato Ababio

General info: Kato will date you if you play a female character.

You meet Kato in high school.

1. In your first scene, you’re paired with Kato for a group project. Here are your choices:

>> Work together

He has to go but you meet him again at the school entrance.

>> Approach Kato and ask

He’s not the most enthusiastic about it.

>> Ask Kato to work together

You’ll meet lunchtime in the library.

You unlock the School Entrance as a new visitable location.

2. In your second scene, you meet Kato at the library. Here are your choices:

>> Don’t check

If you played Nathan’s route then you KNOW that most characters just hate having their private stuff looked at. Do not check it.

3. In your third scene, you meet Kato in the hallway. He’s very exhausted. Here are your choices:

>> Hang out with Kato

Everybody needs a break, Kato.

>> That’s cool

He plays online games! I think that’s super cool.

4. In your fourth scene, you see Kato at the internet cafe. Here are your choices:

>> Go in and say hi

He’s trying to work out a solution when the internet cuts off! Oops, that’s annoying. He says it’s okay though and this happens often.

5. In your fifth scene, you meet Kato at the library. Here are your choices:

>> What if the lightbringer was the sun?

That would make for an epic story!

>> Ask Kato about his player name

SCR4KE… Looks like somebody has an online romance!

6. In your sixth scene, you’re with Kato at the diner. Here are your choices:

>> Kato’s pretty great

He tells you she’s coming here in 10 minutes. UH KATO A LITTLE MORE NOTICE WOULD BE GREAT NEXT TIME!

>> Tell him he’s got this

You make yourself scarce so you don’t third wheel this very crucial first time IRL meet.

7. In your seventh scene, Kato comes over to your house to study. The IRL meetup didn’t go well. Here are your choices:

>> Tell him he’s a good friend (If you want to just be friends)
>> Tell him he’s cute (If you want to romance him)

If you tell him that he’s cute, you have the option to kiss him or stay friends. Choose your preference, but you’re this far already into my guide so you should kiss him!

7.1 This scene is exclusive if you’re romancing Kato. He set up a game for you to play that involves rolling a dice and kissing. Here are your choices:

>> Roll the die


>> Roll again

This is all very cute!

8. FRIENDS: In your eighth and last scene, you see Kato at the school entrance.

If you are friends there are no choices.

8.1 DATING: In your eighth and last scene, you see Kato at the school entrance.

>> Go public

Good end: Kato becomes a doctor and he also writes a fantasy book!

Nathan Prior

General Info: Nathan will date you if you play a male or female character.

You meet Nathan in middle school.

1. In your first scene, you see Nathan burning something in the lab. Here are your choices:

>> Don’t read the paper

If you read the paper, he’ll confront you about it in the next scene. You’ll then have the option to admit it (bad) or lie (super bad).

2. In your second scene, you meet Nathan in the cafeteria. Here are your choices:

>> Ask Nathan what he writes

Nathan is grateful you didn’t read the paper. You banter a bit and ask him about his notebook. He tells you he writes poems, kind of.

You unlock the Cafeteria as a new visitable location.

3. In your third scene, a girl asks you if you’re friends with “emo boy” (Nathan). Here are your choices:

>> Be nice about Nathan

Well good thing you were nice because turns out he was eavesdropping from just around the corner.

4. In your fourth scene, your teacher is berating Nathan about Parents’ Day. He leaves and drops his notebook. Here are your choices:

>> Take the notebook

This is pretty crucial because scene 5 gets ugly.

>> Suggest feeding the ducks.

He carries peas to feed the ducks! Fun fact, bread actually is not good for ducks, it doesn’t have the nutrients they need and also expands in their stomachs. Anyways, on with the game!

5. In your fifth scene, there’s drama in the cafeteria. And it gets ugly. There are no choices, but you’re forced to sit through a public diary reading of a girl. It sucks. Nathan thanks you for getting his book back and you are silently relieved that you made the right choice.

6. In your sixth scene, you see Nathan at the mall, writing. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about his parents

He opens up and tells you that his parents are divorced. He shuffles between the two households. He also shows you his writing!

You unlock the Cineplex 8 as a new visitable location.

7. In your seventh scene, some jerks got a hold of Nathan’s notebook and showed it to a teacher. He locks himself up in the bathroom. Here are your choices:

>> Stop Nathan

He asks you why you’re friends with him and you say because you want to be.

8. In your eighth scene, you find Nathan at the park. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about the principal

He scowls and says he might go to school elsewhere.

>> Disagree

He tells you that you’re the best thing about middle school.

9. In your ninth scene, you find Nathan at the sports field. You talk about high school. There are no choices.

10. In your tenth scene, Nathan, or Nate as he’s now known by, catches you at the library. Here are your choices:

>> Accept the role of the sole friend

He tells you about his parents, things aren’t quite going well.

11. In your eleventh scene, you catch Nate…. talking to squirrels at the park. Here are your choices:

>> Listen in for a while

He has a pretty depressing talk with the squirrels before a twig snaps under your feet.

>> Reveal yourself

He reveals some pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ things his parents said to him. Poor guy….

12. In your twelfth scene, Nate’s locked himself in the bathroom, just like middle school. Only this time it feels different. Here are your choices:

>> Check on him

If you’re a girl you’ll get flak about going into the men’s room, but who cares? Nate needs you.

>> Open the stall door

He is clearly not okay.

>> Look around

You find… a compass. TW: Self harm 🙁

>> Go to the Hospital

He’s fine. Thank god.

>> Give Nate a Hug (If you’re romancing him)
>> Tell him you’re here for him (If you’re just friends)

You unlock the Bathroom and the Hospital as new visitable locations.

13. In your thirteenth scene, you walk around the park with Nate. Here are your choices:

>> Hug him (If you’re romancing him)
>> Comfort him (If you’re just friends)

He’s carrying a lot of bad stuff from his family. It sucks.

14. In your fourteenth scene, you find Nate at the library. He’s going to have a talk with his mom and dad and he’s nervous. There are no choices. If you’re romancing him, he kisses your hands. It’s very cute!!

15. In your fifteenth scene, Nate catches you in the lobby. The talk went really well. Here are your choices:

>> Go to the park

He plays a song for you on the guitar! How sweet!

>> Happy being his friend (if you are playing the friends route)
>> Want something more (If you want to romance him)

The scene ends if you’re playing the friend route. If you romance him, he invites you out on a date.

15.1. This scene is exclusive if you’re romancing Nate. You meet Nate for your date at the park. Here are your choices:

>> Something musical

You head to The Zone Club. He asks you what kind of music you like.

>> Raw music

You go back to the park and talk about your date

>> Reach for his hand

I’m not going to write out this scene, it’s too sappy for my heart to take, ANYWAYS

>> Let him kiss you

HRGGGGGGH. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, game developers for making me blush like a teenager.

16. In your sixteenth and last scene, Nate takes you to the pet sanctuary. Here are your choices:

>> You got a job?

He talks about moving out. If you’re just friends, he’ll suggest being roommates. If you’re romancing him, choose:

>> Suggest sharing a place

That’s what he was thinking too!

Good end: Nate becomes a vet and also writes music on the side!

Richard P. Nelson

General info: Richard will date you if you play a male or female character.

You’ll meet Richard in elementary school.

1. In your first scene, Richard is playing the xylophone. Here are your choices:

>> Tell him it sounds good

He runs away! He’s a shy boy.

You unlock the Library as a new visitable location.

2. In your second scene, you’ll meet Richard at the school entrance. Here are your choices:

>> What’s electronica?

You made a new friend!

You unlock the School Entrance as a new visitable location.

3. In your third scene, you’ll meet Richard in the classroom during recess. Here are your choices:

>> Ask what he’s playing

He’s playing the Dino World theme song, which you both love!

>> Talk about Dinosaurs

4. In your fourth scene, you meet Richard in the classroom during recess again. Here are your choices:

>> Get the xylophone

You try to get the xylophone but you promptly fall and break it. Oops. Teacher comes back and yells at you both, but Richard says you almost had it and you both smile.

5. In your fifth scene, you see Richard being bullied in the gym. Here are your choices:

>> Talk about music

Talking about music will make him happy and give you the option to invite him over.

>> Invite him over

Which you do, of course!

You unlock the Gym as a new visitable location.

6. In your sixth scene, Richard comes over to your place. Here are your choices:

>> Listen to your parents’ tapes

You listen to the Dino World soundtrack and a bunch of other groovy tapes.

7. In your seventh scene, you corner Richard at the school entrance as he’s been avoiding you. Here are your choices:

>> It’s ok

He wreck your parents’ Dino World tape, but it’s okay.

You walk home together.

8. In your eighth scene, you see Richard getting bullied by the same boys you saw in the gym. Here are your choices:

>> Help him

You help your friend and the bullies go away. Richard hopes middle school is better.

>> Excited

You talk about middle school excitedly and head to class.

9. In your ninth scene, you see Richard in middle school. He still feels bad about the tapes. Here are your choices:

>> Ask what’s new

He asks you to hang out like old times.

>> Hang out

The new Dino World movie is out and you agree to go together.

You unlock the Corridor as a new visitable location.

10. In your tenth scene, you meet up with Richard at the movie theatre. Here are your choices:

>> Meet him later

You get snacks and meet him in the theatre.

Note: If you get him something from concessions, he’ll get mad because he doesn’t like handouts.

>> Ask him why he’s into music.

He tries saying the music is like emotions but can’t really find a good metaphor for it.

>> Say you don’t get it

That’s okay, he doesn’t really get it either.

The movie was great and you both had a wonderful time.

You unlock the Cineplex 8 as a new visitable location.

11. In your eleventh scene, you see Richard staring at a flyer for the school play. Here are your choices:

>> Ask if he’s trying out

You startle him and he says he couldn’t possibly

>> Tell him to try out

He says he couldn’t try out in front of people.

>> Push him to try out

He lists all the bad things that could happen like vomiting on stage (Yikes) and walks away muttering.

12. In your twelfth scene, you catch Richard staring at the flyer for the school play again. Here are your choices:

>> Push him HARD to join

He doesn’t take well to that and asks you to lay off.

>> Apologize

You apologize and he says it’s alright but he just doesn’t like being pushed. He ends up trying out for the play though.

Note: You HAVE to push him or he won’t try out and it’s important to his storyline that he tries out.

13. In your thirteenth scene, you and Richard go to the arcade. A bully beats you to the machines. Here are your choices:

>> Push the big kid away

You play and Richard mentions he usually notices the music in the game.

>> That’s cool

You unlock the Starcade 80 as a new visitable location.

14. In your fourteenth scene, you encounter Richard. He’s looking at the casting list and got into the chorus. Here are your options:

>> Cheer on him

15. In your fifteenth scene, you see Richard in the choir. His voice cracks but he makes it through the whole thing. Here are your choices:

>> Your voice kind of cracked

He said it was lucky that you only heard it crack once.

>> Make a joke

It makes him feel better. He thanks you for coming.

16. In your sixteenth scene, you meet Richard out on the Sports Field. He asks if you think he can make it. Here are your choices:

>> Ask him what HE thinks

He doesn’t really know either, but he knows he wants to make music.

>> Support him

He’s very thankful for you. He’s worried you think he’s annoying though.

>> School’s annoying.

You’ll both see each other in high school.

17. In your seventeenth scene, you meet Richard at the school entrance. He basically makes you go to Theatre with him. There are no choices.

You unlock the School Entrance as a new visitable location.

18. In your eigthteenth scene, you meet Richard at the Orpheus Theatre. Here are your choices:

>> Greet him normally

You chat a bit and the concert starts. Richard is enthralled by the music.

>> Sit with him quietly

DO NOT SHAKE HIM! Anyways, he accidentally grabs your hand, gets embarrassed and bolts out.

19. In your nineteenth scene, you see Richard at the school entrance. He’s avoiding you. There are no choices.

20. In your twentieth scene, Richard can’t avoid you anymore, you two are project partners. Here are your choices:

>> Ask him what’s wrong

He avoids the question.

>> Let it go…

Pushing will cause him to run away from you. At least Richard is talking to you again.

21. In your twenty-first scene, you and Richard talk about the project. Here are your choices:

>> Act Impressed

The music he recorded is really cool!

22. In your twenty-second scene, you and Richard are in the library. Here are your choices:

>> Let him take his time

He opens up to you about a camp counsellor he fell in love with. She wanted to do physical things but he didn’t. He confesses that he had feelings for you and that he’s bisexual.

>> Let’s just stay friends.
>> Admit you have feelings for him.

He reacts well to both options if you pushed him to do the play and also didn’t push him on why he was avoiding you.

You unlock the Library as a new visitable location.

FRIENDS: 23. In your twenty-third scene, you and Richard are presenting your project. Here are your choices:

>> Make him do his part

DATING: 23. In your twenty-third scene, you and Richard are presenting your project. Here are your choices:

>> Ask to hold his hand

23. In your twenty-fourth scene, you and Richard are walking down the hallway.

As a friend, He randomly hugs you and thanks you for being here. You’re surprised because it’s the most physical you’ve seen him get, but you hug him back.

If you’re romancing him, he kisses you quickly. It’s cute!

Good end: Richard put his music out there and became a semi-successful producer!

Sam Gordon

General info: Sam will only date you if you play a female character.

You meet Sam in high school and he always nails you with a football to the head.

1. You’re out on the sports field when you encounter Sam. Here are your choices:

>> Yell at him

He is a huge jerk about it but then stops you in the hallway to apologize.

>> Accept his apology

I didn’t want to accept his apology but you have to in order to progress his storyline.

You unlock the Lobby as a new visitable location.

2. In your second scene, you meet Sam at the school entrance. He flags you down and asks if you’re going to the football game. Here are your choices:

>> Ok. Yes. Fine.

You’ll be there, and Sam says maybe you can hang out after? Maybe, Sam, maybe.

3. In your third scene, you’re at the game, watching the star quarterback (Sam). Here are your choices:

>> Turn it down

You turn down the beer.

>> Video games?

Here’s where the girl and boy paths diverge. Sam will ask you if you want to make out. If you say no, you’ll cut off his path and lose him, which sucks because I didn’t want to make out with him. My successful playthrough with him was with a boy, I’ll update with the girl version when I get him again.

4. In your fourth scene, you and Sam are at the diner. The conversation turns to football. Here are your choices:

>> Talk about bullying

He gets annoyed with you and says that it’s just harmless fun. You mention that sounds like something a bully would say and he stays quiet.

5. In your fifth scene, you and Sam are at the mall. Here are your choices:

>> There’s more than just football

Not the way his dad talks about it.

>> Tell him he’s smart

His grades beg to differ. But being smart and putting the work in are different.

6. In your sixth scene, Sam is making out with a random girl at the school entrance. Here are your choices.

>> Support Sam

He doesn’t want to play football anymore. But he doesn’t know what he’d do without it.

7. In your seventh scene, it’s the day of the big game. Sam is drunk behind the bleachers. Here are your choices:

>> Talk him out of playing

He can’t play like this. You sit with him and miss the game. The team loses without him. He goes from prom king to a social pariah but he actually doesn’t mind.

8. In your eighth scene, you catch Sam at the school entrance. He is incredibly unpopular. Here are your choices:

>> Whatever you want

It’s terrifying though.

I think I can get a better ending for Sam. I’ll leave this playthrough for reference. up because I think the ending I got for him was neutral and I want to tweak my choices a bit.

Good end: Sam didn’t get a football scholarship and got kicked out of his house, but he works hard, puts himself through community college and ends up getting a teacher’s degree. He works as a PE teacher and encourages athletes to be who they want to be instead of what they’re expected to be.

Vivica A.K.A Patty

General info: Vivica will date you if you play a female character.

You meet Vivica in high school.

1. In your first scene, you pick up a notebook that belongs to Vivica. Here are your choices:

>> Don’t read it

Yeah, she’s not a fan of people reading her stuff.

>> Hand it back

Also wouldn’t comment on the notebook either….

2. In your second scene, you catch Vivica smoking weed. Here are your choices:

>> Be cool about it

She asks for your name and walks away.

You unlock the Bathroom as a new visitable location.

3. In your third scene, you catch Vivica at the school entrance. Her mom reveals her name is actually Patty. Here are your choices:

>> Go to dinner

Vivica’s family is pretty nice!

>> Say you like poetry

She doesn’t like poetry…. Kind of? She does and doesn’t, it’s weird. She says you should hang out more though

>> Be casual

You unlock the School Entrance and Le Royale as new visitable locations.

4. In your fourth scene, you get a phone call from Vivica. She’s uh at the police station??? Here are your choices:

>> Agree to help

She was tagging (graffiti) and they caught her, kind of.

>> Thank her for trusting you

She tells you that she’s actually adopted because her parents thought they couldn’t have kids. But they ended up having her brother after her.

>> Say she’s special

You unlock the Police Station as a new visitable location.

5. In your fifth scene, you’re at The Zone Club with Vivica, or Patty as she now lets you call her. Here are your choices:

>> Admit it sounds interesting

She pulls out a joint.

>> Ask her for a hit

She shares the joint with you. Not my favorite option, but she didn’t react positively when I ignored it the first time around.

>> Gush about the band

There is the option to kiss her, if you try to kiss her as a guy, she will immediately reject you. I have not tried this as a girl yet.

>> Be nice

She wants to be a roadie but doesn’t know if her family would approve.

>> Talk about music

6. In your sixth scene, you’re at The Zone Club with Patty again. Here are your choices:

Okay I need to update this guide later because I chose Defend her Family and completely messed up her route. This was my second playthrough so I remember the scenes but not quite the dialogue options, but I know that going forward, the important choices are:

>> Admit you like it

You end up at the diner and she wants to show you one of her songs.

>> Play it down

Cool and aloof remember?

7. In your seventh scene, you’re find Patty in the library. Here are your choices:

>> Push her on

She gets frustrated and wants to go back to the hospital. Go with her.

>> Go with her

8. In your eighth scene, you meet Patty at the park. Here are your choices:

>> Tell her it was great

Good end: Patty becomes a roadie but falls out of touch with her adoptive family.

I know there’s a better end if you talk her out of going to the hospital, but I’ll play again and update this guide later.

Wendy Cooke

General info: Wendy will date you if you play a male or female character.

1. In your first scene, you meet Wendy in PE class. She calls you out for staring at her arm. Here are your choices:

>> Apologize

She says it’s a prosthesis and you compliment all the cool things it has on it. She thanks you and tells you about her makeup and special effects dreams.

2. In your second scene, you meet Wendy at the movie theatre. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about horror films

She invites you to an R-rated movie.

>> Go to the movie

You unlock Cineplex 8 as a new visitable location.

3. In your third scene, you meet Wendy in PE again. You got busted by your parents for watching an R-rated movie. Here are your choices:

>> You loved the movie

4. In your fourth scene, you meet Wendy at the arcade. She flakes on you. Here are your choices:

>> Tell her you can’t go

Technically you were supposed to hang out together…..

>> Make plans to meet again

She says sorry and promises to make it up to you next time.

5. In your fifth scene, you meet Wendy in the cafeteria. She got busted and grounded for going to another R-rated movie. Here are your choices:

>> Ask about prosthesis

You talk about your future dreams.

You unlock the Cafeteria as a new visitable location.

6. In your sixth scene, you meet Wendy in the corridor. She’s cutting class to go to the movies. Here are your choices:

>> Cut class

You end up at the police station for cutting class and sneaking into an R-rated movie.

You unlock the Police Station as a new visitable location.

*Note: This seems like a bad scene but it’s actually an important memory for you and Wendy when you enter high school.

7. In your seventh scene, Wendy comes over to do homework. Here are your choices:

>> Push for Drama Club

Trust me Wendy, it’ll be fun!

8. In your eighth scene, Wendy wants to ditch PE. Again.

>> Invite her to a play

She loved Macbeth. She’s going to join the Drama Club. Good for you Wendy!

You unlock the Orpheus Theatre as a new visitable location.

9. In your ninth scene, you meet up with Wendy in high school where some mean girlz (yeah with a “z” apparently) call her Captain Hook. Here are your choices:

>> Go to class

I know, class sucks Wendy but you have to go.

You unlock School Entrance as a new visitable location.

10. In your tenth scene, you meet Wendy in the bathroom. She’s going through a rough time. Here are your choices:

>> Offer Wendy a ride home

11. In your eleventh scene, you’re in your room thinking about your crush on Wendy. Here are your choices:

>> Go to the bowling alley (If you want to be friends)
>> Go for a walk in the park (If you want to romance her)

If you choose to romance her by going to the park, there are no choices. She just notices you have a crush but says her parents would rather let her see gory movies than date.

Then you go to bowling alley and have a lot of fun.

12. In your twelfth scene, you catch her at the school entrance, cutting class. Yet again. Here are your choices:

>> Library Science

She hates P.E., but we’ve been over this Wendy!

>> Support her

For once though, you’ll cut her a break. This is important for scene 14.

Interestingly enough, even though she said she would join the Drama Club, you learned that she has not.

13. In your thirteenth scene, you see Wendy sneaking around. Here are your choices:

>> Go after her

She’s quick and you lose her, guess you’ll find out what she’s up to eventually.

14. In your fourteenth scene, you head over to the library. You’re glad that you supported her hanging out in there. Here are your choices:

>> Ask her to join Drama Club

If you’re romancing her, the scene will end. But if you’re not romancing her, you will have the following choices:

Uh what the heck are you doing Wendy!?

>> Ask Wendy to stop

You bring up the police station and she decides it’s not worth it. Aren’t you glad you got caught all those years ago? She thanks you for having her back all these years.

You unlock the Library as a new visitable location.

15. In your fifteenth and last scene, Wendy FINALLY joins the drama club. She also gets an internship and you go to her first show. Here are your choices:

>> More than friends? (If you want to romance her)
>> Just friends? (If you want to just be friends)

Romancing her is very cute! She calls you her boyfriend!

Good end: Wendy becomes a famous makeup artist!


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