How to use Private Exfil in DMZ


    In the Call of Duty: Warzone DMZ, your deployment is basically incomplete if you can’t get out of the exclusion zone. There are limited public exit points (three in Al Mazrah and two on Ashika Island) that appear in every match. Since these are available to all operators on the map, you may need to fight your way out of the DMZ. There is another less risky method to extract: Private/Personal Exfil.

    How to call a personal Exfil in DMZ

    Image from MyFullGames

    Once activated, the private exfil sends a flare for the evacuation helicopter from an inactive exfil point, that is, separated from the three available to everyone on the map. Players can call in a private exfil helicopter from any buy station on the map for $50,000 cash. Just open the shop menu, go to gear and buy the first item on the list: Personal Exfil.

    Related: Where to find the Heavy Chopper in DMZ

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    After purchasing the personal exfil, an extraction point will appear near the shop. It is marked in yellow on the tactical map, unlike the blue public exit points. Wait until the evacuation helicopter arrives, board it, and exit the DMZ similar to how you have been doing so far. Although this is a private exfiltration, enemy players can spot the flare and evac bird and may attack you. That being said, the threat is considerably low compared to a publicly available exfil. This technique can be used for high priority faction missions and weapon crate extraction.

    Stay tuned to the pro gaming guides for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 content. In the meantime, head over to our article on Where to Find the New Weapon Case in Al Mazrah – DMZ Season 3.


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