Tears of Themis Blizzardous Threads of Red Shadow of Themis banner guide


    The rotation of Tears of Themis Blizzard Threads of Red Shadow of Themis ranges from 12th of January, 2023, to February 2, 2023. It features four Gufeng-themed SSR-limited individual banners of each male lead.

    If you like long hair and historical romance and need some Preemptive Strike cards for your decks, then this Shadow of Themis rotation is an absolute must-have, but make sure you know the details before you jump in with your remaining S-Chips.

    How does the Blizzardous Threads of Red Gufeng AU banner work in Tears of Themis? pity system and more

    Image from MyFullGames

    Blizzardous Threads of Red Shadow of Themis spins consist of four banners, so you can choose which male lead you want to attract. Each banner includes the SSR limited by increasing speed, as well as the male lead’s three ‘permanent’ SSRs. The lineups are as follows.

    • Luke
      • SSR “Dream Drama” (limited event, on speed increase)
      • SSR “Through the Skies”
      • SSR “Perfect Partner”
      • SSR “Seductive look”
    • Artem
      • SSR “The Weeds” (limited event, fee)
      • SSR “Atmospheric”
      • SSR “Loving Memories”
      • SSR “For A Head”
    • vin
      • SSR “Burning Embrace” (limited event, when increasing speed)
      • SSR “Neon Melody”
      • SSR “Near and Far”
      • SSR “Medieval Suspense”
    • Mario
      • SSR “Mirage of You” (limited event, on fee)
      • SSR “All Night”
      • SSR “Eye of the Beholder”
      • SSR “narrow path”

    Related: Tears of Themis Returner Gift Event Guide – Blizzardous Threads of Red

    currency system

    There are two event currencies that can be used to attract Blizzardous Threads of Red banners:

    • Tears of Themis – Earthly: Obtained by converting S-Chips or purchasing from the Mall. After the event ends, all unused Themis Tears – Earthbound will be converted into regular Themis Tears.
    • Tears of Themis – Limited: Obtained as rewards throughout the event. After the event ends, all unused Tears of Themis – Limited will be converted to Stellin at a rate of 1:10,000.

    We strongly recommend using all Tears of Themis – Limited before the end of the event, as they will turn into Stellin instead of normal Tears. Who knows, you might get an SSR on those weird jerks! The Tears of Themis – Limited will always be used first, and you can use a combination of the two currencies above.

    You can get an automatic discount on your first four shots of 10. They will only cost 8 Tears of Themis – Earthly or Limited instead of the usual 10.

    pity system

    You are guaranteed event-limited SSR in 100 pulls. If you get the event-limited SSR early, the pity counter will reset. If you get an uncapped SSR, the pity won’t reset and you’ll still get the capped at 100 pulls. Please note that from the banners are divided by male leadmake sure to check that you are pulling from the correct banner!

    these banners don’t take pity from previous Shadow of Themis rotations. Any draws you incur from this event will not transfer to limited banners in the future. If you’re a free player, it’s best to only roll if you have enough for 100 shots to guarantee the capped SSR.

    To complete more events that run together, check out our Tears of Themis Another Year with You event guide here on MyFullGames.


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