How to get the Plainswalker Carrier mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight


    There’s something special about riding a great prehistoric mammoth. Sure, World of Warcraft players have had mammoths for years, but the Dragonflight expansion has really upped the ante with the Plainswalker Bearer mount. Here’s how to add it to his stable.

    Where to find WoW Dragonflight Mammoth Mount

    The Plainswalker Bearer mount drops from the Epic Grand Hunt Loot Article. This is a reward for the first weekly completion of a big hunt. These hunts are unlocked after reaching Renown 5 with the Maruuk Centaur. As with most rare drops, the drop rate is supposed to be extremely low. The good thing is that since Renown is account-wide, as long as players have a character capable of reaching the Plains of Ohn’ahran, it can be farmed without progressing in the MSQ at another time. This will exponentially increase the chances of receiving the mount, as the epic Grand Hunt Spoils can only be redeemed once a week per character.

    Related: How to get the Stormhide Salamanther mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

    Grand Hunts are events that take place over the course of a few days. They can spawn in any of the Dragon Isles zones. They can vary in objectives, but will typically hunt down rare mobs, kill local wildlife, collect reagents, and the like. To find a Great Hunt, look on your map for a horn icon. Once you enter the Grand Hunt zone, you will be given a list of tasks to complete.

    For more World of Warcraft goodies, check out How to Get the Loyal Magmammoth Mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight in MyFullGames.


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