Marvel Snap – Altar of Death Featured Location, Explained


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    On Marvel Snap, there are two featured locations that appear each week, one for most Sundays and the other for Tuesdays and through Wednesday. This week’s featured location is a new one called the Altar of Death, and players are struggling to find the best cards to use while this location still appears in 60% of matches.

    What is the location of the Altar of Death in Marvel Snap?

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    The Shrine of Death is a location that destroys any card played on it and rewards the player with two Energy on the next turn. This is certainly a tradeoff, as it requires you to waste your energy casting cards to get energy in return, without generating energy at the location in the process. This makes the location feel at first like Death’s Domain with a buff or a permanent Vormir location, but there are actually many cards that greatly benefit from playing Death Shrine.

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    What cards work best with Altar of Death?

    Many of the ability cards that have the Destroy keyword from Marvel Snap are great in Altar of Death. To begin with, if you are running dead poolwhich after being destroyed returns to your hand with double power, you can pay one energy each turn to launch Deadpool to the location, getting two energy and one free duplicate Deadpool.

    Along with Deadpool, Glutton, Sabertooth, Hoodand especially bucky barnes they can all throw themselves onto the Altar of Death for a huge advantage. With Wolverine, you pay two Energy and get it back while spawning Wolverine at a random location. Sabretooth loses an energy on the deal, but becomes free for the rest of the game, allowing you to replay it on Altar of Death multiple times or you can play it for free elsewhere. Hood will give you a Demon in hand while he rids his body with negative statuses and gives you an energy. Finally, Bucky will go on par with Energy as he spawns a six Power card at the location, which could win it alone.

    Electro is another great card to cast in this placement. Electro gives you an additional Energy On Reveal for the rest of the game, but it has a continuous effect that you can only play one card per turn. However, if you throw it on the Altar, you get that extra Energy plus two more on the next turn and get rid of that pesky continuous effect in one fell swoop.

    if you have knull either Death in your collection, they are probably the best cards to play while this location is active, as Knull has Power equal to all cards destroyed over the course of the game and Death will have a lower cost per card destroyed. Therefore, as you and your opponent play cards on the Altar and destroy them in other ways, Knull and Death gradually become more and more powerful.

    On a final note, it’s also good to just play low Power, high value cards on the Altar, such as Iron heart either black widow. If it helps even out your Energy curve and doesn’t damage your overall Power too much, it’s not a bad move to throw any card on the Altar, so keep that in mind.

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    What cards counter Altar of Death in Marvel Snap?

    For those looking to prevent their opponent from taking advantage of the Shrine of Death, there are also some cards that can shut down the strategy entirely. For example, all cards that change locations, such as Scarlet Witch, Rhino, StormY Magic it will simply remove the Altar, allowing you to play your game and potentially shut down your opponent’s strategy.

    squirrel girl, mr sinister, Breeding, captain marvel, VisionY doctor doom they don’t necessarily counter Death Altar, but can instead bring Power to the location by either spawning additional bodies on the location or moving towards it using their abilities.

    Mr. Fantastic Y claw they’re just like the previous cards, in that they’re good at Altar of Death but don’t counter it directly. However, they can force power into the location through their continuous abilities, each granting power to other locations and they can easily win the Altar.

    By last, Armor Y Professor X they are probably the best hard counters for Altar of Death and its strategies. Armor’s continuous ability prevents cards from being destroyed, stops opposing destruction strategies, and also stops additional energy flow from the location. Professor X blocks the location entirely, preventing cards from going in or out, and thus preventing the cards from being destroyed. Also, since Professor X locks the location, he can easily win it himself.

    Do you want more information about Marvel Snap? Check out Marvel Snap: The Best Zabu Counter Cards and Marvel Snap: MyFullGames’ Top 3 Zabu Decks!


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