Where to find the recipe ingredients in God of War Ragnarok


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    While exploring Midgard’s Lake of Nine in God of War Ragnarök, you might come across a colorful campfire on its northern border. It has its own location on the map called The Eternal Campfire, where you can listen to Jari and Somr’s story and start the Across the Realms Favor. Your task will be to search for four different ingredients in the game to complete a special recipe. This is where to find the ingredients and complete the Favor in God of War Ragnarök.

    All Across the Realms Favor Ingredient Locations in God of War Ragnarök

    Only one ingredient can be found in Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, and Vanaheim. So you will travel quite a bit to find them. The Blank, which is located in Vanaheim, will not be available until you have defeated Heimdall and unlocked the crater region.

    Where to find the Norse Pumpkin in Midgard in God of War Ragnarök

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    The first ingredient can be easily found after leaving the campfire and undertaking this favor. Look for the orange heart graffiti as you jump off the cliff to return to your sled after visiting the Eternal Campfire. you will find the norse gourd just below.

    Where to find Prongfruit in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarök

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    He barb fruit He is hidden in Svartalfheim. You should be able to see it coming down from the forge after crafting your Draupnir Spear. Please refer to the map above if you need to return to the location. Look for the green heart graffiti and the spike fruit should be in a pile of gray ash on the ground nearby.

    Related: How to ascend the dam in God of War Ragnarök

    Where to find the elven cap in Alfheim in God of War Ragnarök

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    To find the elven cap, head to the southern part of the Forbidden Sands. It’s harder to see, but there is a red heart symbol to the left of the fallen pillar that leads to a Nornir chest. Near the chest is the Elven Cap you are looking for.

    Where to find the Bantam Melon in Vanaheim God of War Ragnarök

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    Again, the rooster melon it’s easily the hardest to find, as you’ll only be able to reach it after progressing further into the main story. You will have to explore through The Sinkholes in The Crater of Vanaheim. Check the map above for the exact location of the ingredient.

    After finding all four ingredients, head back to Eternal Campfire and interact with it. The reward from him will be a comfort food that permanently increases all of his stats by five.

    Looking for more help on God of War Ragnarök? Check out How to Get to Sanctuary Grove in God of War Ragnarok here on MyFullGames.


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