ARK: Survival Evolved – Carcharodontosaurus Taming Guide


    This guide will teach you how to control Karcha quickly and easily.

    How to tame Carcharodontosaurus


    This guide is based on my experience handling level 140 Karcha. In other words, if you follow these steps you shouldn’t have any problem facing any karcha.

    An overview of the teaming process

    Carchus are not a simple knockout team.

    First, you need to take the corpse of a dino near him. It will start a sniffing animation and then run to the corpse and eat it. A progress bar will appear showing you how much confidence you have. Different dynos give different amounts of progress.

    Once you reach 100%, it’s not overpowered yet, but then you can ride Carcha. You progress by killing enemies. You may be thrown off his back at some point, if so you will have to give him the corpse again and repeat the process. Once you kill enough enemies, teaming is complete.


    1. First, you’ll need a Gateway Dino. It also needs to fly, as Karchaz is incredibly fast and can catch any land dino, especially if it hits something and has a fast movement speed. Your gateway dino should also have at least a few thousand hp so it can take a bite without dying instantly. I used an Argentavis for this. Make sure you can access it very quickly too, such as placing the cryopod on the hotbar. You can throw it back with basically no warning, and Carcha will immediately attack you. Be prepared for this to happen at any time and multiple times.
    2. To make your life easier, you’ll want some cryopod baby dinos that you’ve raised, the kind that will instantly give you 100% trust in Carcha so you only need a corpse to ride on. Required. Large dinos like Rexes, Quetzals, Paracers or Brontos all work for this according to the comments I’ve read (I’ve only personally tried and confirmed Rexes). However, I highly recommend using Rex babies because they are much easier to drag (you’ll need a lot of weight to drag some others) and Rexes are also much easier to get.

    You want several for two reasons: One, you may have to repeat the process a few times. Two, when a carcha is aggressive and tries to attack you, it can kill you without making any progress. This only works if it is not aggressive and does the sniffing animation beforehand.

    For this reason, and especially if you are trying to tame a karcha for the first time, I recommend taking at least 10 children with you so that you have some margin for error. Too much doesn’t hurt. If you run out of babies to breastfeed, you’ll be kicking yourself because you’re still trying to finish the procedure.

    1. It never hurts to have healing items on you in case things go wrong. Even if Karcha is attacking you and you’re not on your Dino, you won’t last long. His attacks also give you a debuff that makes healing less effective.

    What you don’t need is a trap. If you use dino carcasses that will give you full confidence immediately, this is not necessary. At first it is more difficult to trap and takes more time.

    Taming: The stage of feeding the carcass

    In preparation, first make sure that Carcha is not aggressive and is not attacking (or trying to) anything. Killing the nearby dinos can help with this.

    If at any point during the taming process you get distracted, take out your Gateway Dino and fly away until you lose aggro and come back.

    Start at some distance from the lens. Again, you want to avoid aggression, so stay out of bounds.

    Then, take out the baby dino, kill it, and slowly drag the corpse closer to the carcha. At some point it will start the sniffing animation. Immediately drop the corpse, and retreat a couple of steps at this point. Not too far though, as you’ll want to install it in a few seconds.

    Carcha will approach, eat the corpse, and then you can climb it.

    If anything goes wrong here, simply walk away to lose progress, and try again.

    Teming: Riding on the Karcha

    This is where it gets serious. Be careful at all times, especially be prepared to be thrown and have charcoal in your face that wants to eat you. Be prepared to pull out and get rid of your Gateway Dino.

    With this in mind, you will have up to 10 minutes to kill as many dinos as possible. If you run out of time before you kill enough, or maybe even before, you’ll be dumped and you’ll have to earn his trust again with dino corpses.

    Dinos with more health will give you more progress, but it won’t make much of a difference. The smallest dinos, including jig worms, will give you as much progress as a medium-sized dino. Only dinos with several thousand health give extra growth, but they will also take longer to kill, so you’re usually best off in areas with lots of smaller dinos and can get as many kills as you can. are You may have to hit a few hundred. I needed 200 kills and 3 rides to level 140 for the record.

    If you get dumped: Don’t panic. Get out your Dino. Fly to lose aggression. And come back. I’ve never lost any progress by taking a moment to restart the process, so there’s no need to stress too much about taking a moment to do so.

    There are two more important things to keep in mind during this stage:

    1. Avoid losses at all costs. Any damage from the carcha will reduce the effectiveness of the tease. This includes dinos like Cantrosaurus or Arthropleura that will damage you every time you attack them, so you should avoid such dinos at all costs. And of course be aware of dinos who are strong and will only fight back and thus hurt you.

    Also important: avoid fall damage! Never walk near rocks, boulders, or anything else that is high enough to cause damage if you walk on it.

    1. Unlike Tamed Dinos, you cannot attack if Karcha is out of stamina. So make sure you have some stamina buffer before you engage in a fight with a dino that will fight back and possibly hurt you. Keep in mind how knockback from your attacks often protects you from taking damage! If possible, just going after dinos that won’t fight back would be the safest option.

    Enjoy your new carcha!

    Congratulations! Now you can enjoy your new wallpaper. Take them for a ride and you will surely have fun.

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