Fortnite offline tomorrow: a urgent update arrives with the Hammer repair report


    A few hours after the removal of the Shockwave Hammer, the Fortnite Chapter 4 development team confirmed that the release of an update would soon fix the problems with the melee weapon.

    Here is a official press release, released on Twitter: Epic Games.

    Starting at 10 tomorrow, we’ll continue to repair the damaged equipment, we can also issue the broken shockwave. The maintenance takes up less than an hour.

    Starting from 12:00 the Italian time zone of tomorrow, Tuesday 10 January 2023, server del battle royale gratuit, their turn off for an hour so developers can take care of a lot of serious issues who emerged just a few hours ago. We discussed the problem of certain pitfalls, such as the competition performance and the role of the hammer bounce, but if the games were successful, it’s the same as Epic Games did. Given the nature of the patch, the future of the update notwithstanding, it is unlikely to introduce new content but for this type of update, we must wait at least for next week.

    Do you read the gossip surrounding the next artist, who may hold a concert on the Fortnite virtual stage?


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