How to get the web marker in Find the Markers – Roblox


    Image via Roblox Find the Markers

    Time find the markers It might seem like just another scavenger hunt-style experience, it actually offers quite an intricate map with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. with his little murdering christmas update, Find the Markers has added one more marker for players to discover, the web marker.

    How to find the Cobweb marker in Find the Markers

    Once you’ve spawned in Find the Markers, head towards the scruffy neighborhood shown below.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    To get to the web marker, we must enter each of the houses in this neighborhood and clean the cobwebs under their stairs.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    To remove the cobwebs, simply approach them and press me.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames
    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    After clearing the cobwebs from all six houses, a hole will appear near the middle of the neighborhood that features crawling spiders and creepy noises. Guess where we’re going? To the hole!

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Inside this hole is a long tunnel that is patrolled (of course) by a large, creepy killer spider. And where is the web marker? At the other end of the tunnel.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Scattered throughout this tunnel are small holes in the wall large enough for a Robloxian to hide in. As the spider moves past you, carefully but quickly move forward and enter one of these holes. To go through this tunnel successfully, we recommend only moving forward one hole at a time, as the spider’s movement can become inconsistent if you are outdoors for a long time. If the spider touches you, you will be teleported out of the tunnel entirely and have to restart from the beginning.

    NOTE: The images below have been brightened and adjusted to make them easier to see – the actual tunnel is almost completely dark.

    Image from MyFullGames
    Image from MyFullGames

    Once you have reached the final hole on the right hand side of the tunnel you should see a green patch on the ground in front of you – this is the end of the tunnel! As soon as you step on the green area, the spider will disappear, the tunnel will light up, the web marker will appear, and the nightmare is over! Er…we weren’t afraid. Psh, we’re happy to have a new bookmark…were you scared!

    Image from MyFullGames
    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    To add this marker to your Markerdex, simply walk up to it and tap on it; you should get the popup below when doing so.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Looking for more Find the Markers content? Check out our recent guides on how to get the Hot Cocoa Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox or how to get the Milk and Cookies Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox here on MyFullGames!


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