Genshin Impact Version 3.4 Celebrates the Lantern Rite and a New Sumeru Desert Area


    The Genshin Impact version 3.4 update called “The Exquisite Night Chimes” is scheduled to release on January 18, 2023. The update will introduce a plethora of exciting events across three nations, including this year’s Lantern Rite celebration, competitions in Inazuma, and a new desert area on Sumeru. Players will be able to claim amazing rewards by playing through the full version 3.4. Additionally, two new Dendro characters, Alhaitham and Yaoyao, will make their debut.

    In Liyue, the Lantern Rite will feature a music festival, featuring musically inclined guests like Xinyan and Venti. A performance by Paper Theater offers a platforming experience, while parkour-style mini-games will keep players preoccupied amid the hustle and bustle of the festivities. This year’s lineup of rewards is particularly enticing: from picking a four-star Liyue character to 13 Intertwined Fates and Lisa’s new Sumeru-themed skin, all for free.

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    In the meantime, smaller events will occur in Inazuma, including the Yashiro Commission’s “Warrior Spirit” event, which will include duels that will focus on stopping opponents. And the one and the oni Arataki Itto will introduce a new event concept to keep players on their toes. Beetle Brawl will involve fighting tough opponents using Onikabuto.

    The festivities continue in Sumeru, where the Hadramaveth Desert will be presented as an expansion of the existing desert area. Players must complete the Golden Slumber World Quest to continue their adventures with Jeht, in search of the Eternal Oasis where time remains frozen for eternity. New bosses, enemies, and exploration mechanics await players eager to explore the open world.

    Fans of the Genius Invokation TCG will be delighted as a new game mode featuring special rules will be introduced in version 3.4 as well as subsequent updates. For version 3.4, players will be able to skip the launch phase to get 8 Omni Dice for a really interesting battle royale. Finally, a new version update isn’t complete without new characters to join the Genshin Impact cast. Players will be able to opt for the four-star Dendro polearm user Yaoyao and the five-star Dendro sword user Alhaitham as soon as the update drops.

    For more Genshin Impact news, check out the possible first details on Fontaine Hydro Archons in the Genshin Impact leak here on MyFullGames.


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