How to get War Ottuk mounts in World of Warcraft Dragonflight


    World of Warcraft is in a strange place when it comes to mounts and this is largely the fault of the Dragonflight expansion. With ground mounts not really serving a purpose in any zone where flying is an option, legacy and new flying mounts… wait. What’s that? It’s a little baby otter in battle armor!? Is it an “Ottuk War?” We will take all your stock, please.

    Where to get Battle Otter mounts in WoW Dragonflight

    Yellow and brown War Ottuks are sold for Murik (13.2, 49.2) or tattoo (13.8, 49.6) in the azure stretch. Players will need to reach Renown 30 with the Iskaara Tuskarr just to be able to purchase the mounts. The actual sale requires five Mastodon Tusk, five Aquatic Maw, and 1000 Dragon Isles Supplies.

    Related: Best Items to Craft Using Sparks of Ingenuity in WoW Dragonflight

    War Ottuk mounts have no right to be as cute as they are. With their tiny feet, crushable faces, and fearsome armor. It’s no secret that the Iskaara Tuskarr are the best faction in the Dragonflight expansion, and these mounts only confirm that fact. It’ll take a while to earn one, but it’s worth it when your guild sees you stop one of these bad boys.

    For more World of Warcraft freebies, check out the Best Way to Farm Draconium Ore in WoW Dragonflight in MyFullGames.


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