Best Legendary Solo Operation Hunter Loadout: Seraph Shield


    Part of the process to unlock catalysts for the exotic pulse rifle, Revision Zero, will take Guardians through the Operation: Seraph’s Shield mission on Legendary difficulty. This mission scales in difficulty the same way the Witch Queen campaign did, so it’s actually easier to complete solo than with a fire crew. That said, it won’t be a walk in the park. This is the most optimal charge for hunters to clear the orbital station.

    What to run as a hunter for Legendary Solo Operation: The Seraph Shield


    There are two loadouts that we prefer when it comes to weapons. the first uses Ragnhild-D, MonarchY falling guillotine. This will take you through the entire mission, right up to the final boss. Feel free to be generous with Falling Guillotine, as it will take down enemies and there are plenty of heavy ammo boxes.

    When it’s time to take on the final boss, switch to a pulse rifle like Merain’s Strike, the riddleY xenophage. The Enigma will be your primary weapon to take out the swarms, while the Smite of Merain will help apply the Suppressor debuff on the boss. Finally, when the boss enters the damage phase, Xenophage will take chunks out of it.

    • main slot: Ragnhild-D, Merain’s Strike
    • secondary slot: Le Monarque, The Enigma
    • power slot: Falling Guillotine, Xenophage

    Related: Best Titan loadout for Legendary Solo Operation: Seraph Shield

    Armor and Mods

    As a stealth-based hunter, the only exotic armor we can recommend is graviton loss due to his enhanced invisibility perk. Also, we are fans of loaded with light constructions, especially those that make use of high energy fire to increase the damage.

    • modifications: Lone Agent, Taking Control, High Energy Fire, Charged,

    Subclass, Skins, and Shards

    This build is all about becoming invisible and engaging in guerrilla warfare. Quick, powerful strikes that allow you to plunge back into the shadows after each attack are key. Dodging, finishing moves, and smoke bombs will make you invisible, so there shouldn’t be any time where you’re left out in the open.

    • subclass: Empty (Moebius quiver)
    • aspects: Vanishing Step, Trapper’s Ambush
    • fragments: Echo of Darkness, Echo of Leech, Echo of Remnants

    The most important thing to know when dealing with Operation: Seraph’s Shield in Legendary, by yourself, is that there will be an endless tide of enemies. Because they are strong enough to take you out in one or two hits, it is imperative to be proactive in crowd control. This is especially true of the first and last boss encounters. Take the time to drop the boss goons before engaging them. Play smart and safe to emerge victorious.

    For more Destiny 2 merchandise, see Destiny 2: ‘Orbital Logistics Foyer Hall’ (Resonance Amplifier) ​​Location in MyFullGames.


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