Eversoul now comes in full. You can’t really download it


    Eversoul is available for pre-download on Google Play. It’s free for you to install the game before January 5 and will be available in a pre-Download version.

    The pre-download has been released without download data, leaving fans of the game puzzled.

    No data. A serious problem is the problem.

    The whole idea of a pre-download is to avoid the server stress from a lot of people trying to download the game right away. As a pre-download feature you’ll install the game just before it will debut, thus you won’t be able to avoid an attack on the server when you launch.

    Since there is no data on the pre-download sheet, you still have to install the full game at the beginning of the month. You also get to lose weight in the entire process.

    If this change happened from the developer, you could wonder what will happen on January 5th. Eversoul fans have massive hysteria when the servers are crowded? Who knows what the developers do, and there’s a plan there’s still?

    Limited Freebies

    An impractical pre-download isn’t the only thing with gamers concerned about the launch of Eversoul.

    Pre-registration rewards are exclusive to accounts who have already pre-registered. If you’re a regular gacha gamer, then you could know that it makes rerolling virtually impossible.

    If you want to know more about this slyly hidden detail, be sure to check out our Eversoul Pre-Registration article where we cover what it may be like for the future of rerolling in Eversoul.

    Where can I get the Eversoul Pre-Download?

    Despite the controversy, we recommend that you play the game on a pre-download basis. This game starts just January 5. In fact, developers are still able to upload data to Google Play.

    This way the rewards for pre-registration are still good awaiting approval. It’s your last chance to do that! Check out the Pre-Download for Eversoul on Google Play.


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