WoW: The popular Auctioneers’ Fail Template for elemental loop at a ridiculous price


    By Sebastian Glanzer. A fortune of yours, you could call this frequently occurring auction house fail in WoW: Dragonflight. Players who find rare items put it to the auction shop for a ridiculous price, and in the process, they lose millions of dollars.

    This happened at the same time in Wow: instead of changing the price for the items at the auction, the item is setting a standard price. The seller is happy, the seller is angry to death. Because the seller let some gold slip through her fingers. Most of the time, this error comes out of ignorance.

    Since we didn’t see it happening in our recent case of Dragonflight, we found the jeweller’s item Elemental Loop at the price of the jewelcrafting machine. Anyone who finds this recipe as a jewelcutter can sell it for at least 1 million gold.

    This crafty diamonds earn over 1 million gold at the auction house.

    WoW: Popular auction house fail template for elemental loop at a ridiculous price (2) Source: buffed: buffed on a buffed item.

    With a lot of luck you can get the Elemental Loop template from the elite mob at Primal Storm events. The drop probability is around 0,2 percent. The templates are not only super hard to come by, they also look really like such a product. A special necklace is designed to trigger a prosthesis, so it’s currently available in the most basic of the four kinds of events, based on the model of the item, which can easily be made into a BiS item (Best in Slot) for all classes.

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    It’s not uncommon for the auction house to see the Elemental Loop template trading for an average of 50 or less gold on the auction. The template stood at the beginning to be worth 5 million gold. Depending on the server, the recipe for elemental loop still brings in more than 1 million gold.

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    On Reddit and Twitter happy buyers show how they bought some valuable template for a certain amount of 75 gold. I rarely see lucky buyers who’s so kind and send the item to a seller via post. Have you found the recipe before or bought it at a ridiculous price?

    What | icy-veins.


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