How to go to Sumeru from The Chasm Underground Mines in Genshin Impact


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    The traditional path to Genshin Impact’s nation of wisdom, Sumeru, begins by following the path from Cinnabar Cliff, which is guided through Archon Quest Chapter III: Act I – A Forest of Change. However, there is a less conventional path into the rainforest region.

    In the underground mines of The Chasm, there is a strange expanse of vegetation to the southeast of The Chasm: Main Mining Area. Climbing the giant tree, you will be able to reach Sumeru, proving that the map of the Underground Mines is actually upside down.

    How to get to Sumeru from a hidden path in The Chasm: Underground Mines in Genshin Impact

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    You need to go to the watery area to the southeast of The Chasm: Main Mining Area first. If you haven’t unlocked it yet, check out our guide on the People of the Valley of Life hidden Achievement for a step-by-step how to locate the area and unlock an Achievement while doing so.

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    Then you have to climb the giant tree until you reach the brightest point at the top. There is a branch with a solitary mushroom next to the rocky cliffs, where the arrow points up. This is the highest point you will be able to climb. Carefully climb up there to find a glowing spot. Note that the portable waypoint shown above was added for clarity – there is normally no waypoint, so you have to climb manually.

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    Interact with the bright spot next to the mushroom to Ascend. This will automatically teleport you to the waterfall in Gandharva Ville.

    Related: How to get the If Not Us, Then Who? Hidden achievement in Genshin Impact

    How to get to The Chasm: Underground Mines from Sumeru in Genshin Impact

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    You can return to the giant tree in The Chasm: Underground Mines through the same waterfall in Gandharva Ville. Its exact location is circled in the image above. In the rocks next to the waterfall, you will find a small crack from which a dim blue light emanates. Interact with him to return to the Underground Mines.

    Check out our guide on How to Get Thought on Earth. I can go back… Sumeru’s Hidden Achievement in Genshin Impact here on MyFullGames to discover more secrets in Sumeru.


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