How to use the equipment upgrade in WoW Dragonflight


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    There are many different ways to obtain and upgrade your gear in WoW Dragonflight, and one of the best ways is to upgrade gear directly. Gear Upgrading improves item level and stats, making it a valuable tool. However, not all equipment can be upgraded. You see, there are requirements, but we know all about how to do it without problems. Here’s how to use the gear upgrade system in WoW Dragonflight.

    Using the Gear Upgrade System in WoW Dragonflight

    To begin the upgrade process, you will need to head to the Gladiator’s Refuge, located within Valdrakken. There you will find Corxian, the NPC you need to start upgrading. As mentioned, not all equipment can be upgraded. In fact, only two types of equipment can be upgraded: Mythic+ and PvP gear.

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    Mythic+ gear, as the name suggests, can only be obtained by completing Mythic+ races of any level. Completing races and timing keys will reward you with a special currency called Worth. The amount of Valor you get depends on whether or not you timed the key and how long it took. When talking to Corxian, you can select a Mythic+ item you own and use Valor to increase its item level. Mythic+ items have 13 levels of upgrades you can apply, with each upgrade level adding +3 item levels. However, there are three catches to this. First of all, the amount of value you can get per week is capped, and the season max increases every week. Additionally, each upgrade requires more value than the last, making the upgrade process for Mythic+ gear more of a complementary method of improving your overall item level. Lastly, the level at which you can upgrade a piece of gear is locked behind its Mythic+ rating. Even if you have the Valor Points to upgrade a piece of gear, unless you meet the qualification requirements, Corxian will not allow you to complete the process. Mythic+ rating improves with continued Mythic+ runs.

    Related: All Mythic+ affixes in WoW Dragonflight

    On the other side of the spectrum, PvP gear can be upgraded in much the same way as Mythic+ gear. However, there are some differences. First, and most notably, the currency needed to upgrade PvP equipment is called Honor. Honor is earned by completing PvP matches. Wins grant more Honor than losses. PvP gear upgrades also tend to be capped at level 9 instead of 13. PvP upgrades are not locked behind a specific rating. Instead, they are locked behind the PvP ranks obtainable through the Arena. For example, to upgrade a piece of PvP gear from level 389 to 392, you’ll need to reach the rank of Challenger 1.

    For more helpful information and guides on World of Warcraft Dragonflight, check out our guide on WoW Dragonflight: Is Renown Count Wide? right here at MyFullGames.


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