Color Flow: Arcade Puzzle Review

    • Relaxing puzzler where you can take your time and enjoy every move.
    • The soundtrack is fantastic, but it gets repetitive after a while.
    • You need a lot of patience to get through the toughest levels.

    Color Flow is a game for those who like to relax with a good puzzle game on their mobile phone and listen to some good music at the same time. I admittedly didn’t expect much, it being a puzzle game, but I was surprised, in a good way. In this Color Flow review, I’ll tell you exactly why it should be your go-to game for your next fun afternoon.

    Great background music, although repetitive after a few stages.

    Every puzzle game expects some kind of “repetition”, but the last thing I expected was the music. I personally love the lo-fi vibes and relaxed atmosphere it gives, so the game is almost constantly playing in the background on my phone, just because the devs did a great job with the background music. .

    That being said, it gets repetitive after a while. I believe I cleared about 40 or so levels, and I stopped listening. It all blended into the background as white noise. Don’t get me wrong, the music is a 10/10 – but it would have been better if the track was a bit longer.

    Challenging level, but easy to catch.

    As you progress, the levels become more and more challenging. This will raise a lot of questions that need to be answered. The best way to go about this is by trial and error. You should play and replay a level until you figure out what you did wrong, and that way you’ll easily eliminate everything with three stars.

    Each new level and the challenges they pose are a joy to explore, and in a way, I enjoyed playing this game immensely.

    But wait – there’s a story?

    Every 4 levels, you get a line of dialogue, which at first seemed out of place – but then it made me wonder, “What if there’s more to it?” So what I did was listen to all the lines that I opened in order, and it seemed to me that they were connected in a way.

    The game lets you play with a black or white dot, each having a different effect on the puzzle. Black can only pass through black, and white can only pass through white. Dark levels (where you play with black) have a bit more serious dialogue, while light levels (where you play with white) have a glimmer of hope in every dialogue.

    It’s a very interesting contrast between the two, and I believe the story tells us something about human nature. The dark path is when we feel hopeless, depressed and alone, while the light path also shows compassion, joy and hope.

    This may be true, since the elements we see on the home screen resemble neurons that make connections, so maybe I’m not that far off in my theory!

    These are elements not normally expected in a simple “puzzle game”. But I guess Color Flow is a bit more than that, isn’t it?

    Brilliant and bright visuals

    When it comes to the graphics, visuals and physics in this game, all I can say is… a job well done. Colors are bright but fit together well in a color palette that isn’t too distracting, and isn’t too dull either.

    As for physics, I’m not sure there’s much going on, but then again – I could be wrong. I’ve played games where physics played a big part in the game, but here I feel like physics is secondary to many other elements.

    Patience is the key.

    I’ve mentioned before that the levels get a bit harder once you progress. One thing I would suggest before you decide to give this game a go is to develop patience. You won’t even get past the lowest level unless you manage to sit back and observe, because despite it being just a simple puzzler, a lot has gone into making it good (at least I think so). Is).

    You shouldn’t dismiss a game as too hard on the first difficulty. There aren’t a lot of classic “tutorials”, this gives you the chance to discover through trial and error how to go through a phase and nail it.

    When unsure, the best thing you can do is sit back and observe the pattern, rather than rushing to wrap up a stage. The further you go, the harder it is when you fail.

    If you plan to try this game, I strongly suggest you do so with headphones on, or at least with music on the speakers, because it would be a shame to miss out. Then, let yourself be immersed in the experience because it’s really fun – even more so if you want to try a different kind of puzzle game!


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