Lost Digger Location Guide (Fool’s Path Side Quest Bandits)


    The missing location of the digger in Fool’s Path can be found on the provided image.

    Guide to the Lost Digger Location


    The area displayed when fetching a search from Kolya will be:

    The missing digger is located here (the yellow arrow is my point):

    The digger is behind the garage wall near the nearby camp:

    After that you get a note and you have to go back to Kolia (the bar) – hf and enjoy.

    Decoder location

    After finding the missing digger, the next location for the secret meeting will be revealed within the SW of Dump:

    Beware of PVP, black holes and vortex anomalies in the area, the secret meeting place is inside the small village SW of the dump:

    It took me ages to find this man. He is in the attic of the ruined house:

    After that you have to go back to the bar.

    Location of the guide

    After discovering the secret encounter with the bandit, the next location is inside the graveyard:

    The guide is an NPC sitting at: (Agree with the NPC, he sends you back to the bar).

    After that, talk to Kolia and get the Excursion’s Akaban as a quest reward.

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