DNF Duel Releases April 2023 for Nintendo Switch and Season Pass Confirmed


    Nexon announced a release date for DNF Duel on Nintendo Switch. It is out on April 20th, 2023, after coming out for PS4, PS5, and PC this past June. But that isn’t all. The publisher also confirmed that the games first season pass will arrive next year, too.

    The Season Pass includes five new characters, like the previously announced Spectre. Because of the timing of the switch release, the female Slayer may live around the same time. Based on his move set up in Dungeon Fighter Online, Spectre can quickly strike with her two weapons and add a wire to the smaller sword, White Fang, to combat from range.

    She is able to defeat enemies with White Fang, and then slam them onto the ground. Of course, how much of that translates to DNF Duel remains to be seen. For more details on the basic game, check out our review here. Stay tuned for further updates, including the patches notes for the Grand Balance Patch which have recently gone live.


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