How to farm Perfect Taste in Destiny 2 Dawning 2022


    The Dawning has returned and that means Guardians will be system wide in Destiny 2, farming ingredients for many different recipes. One of those ingredients, used in a handful of said recipes, is Perfect Taste. If you’re looking for that luscious baked treat, chances are you need this elusive ingredient.

    Where to find the Perfect Taste ingredient in Destiny 2

    The Perfect Taste ingredient is obtained by kill opponents with precision damage. To accomplish this, we recommend semi-automatic weapons like scout rifles, pulse rifles, and hand cannons. These hit hard and the recoil is much more controllable/predictable than weapons like SMGs and automatic rifles. Headshots are usually the way to go when it comes to precision kills. Some notable exceptions are headless Scorn, whose swinging lantern is the critical point, and Vex, whose juice box is on his abdomen. Keep in mind that not all enemies have a critical point, like Fallen Whelplings.

    Related: How to use Eva’s festive oven 2.1 – Destiny 2 Dawning 2022

    Catching Perfect Taste should be pretty easy as long as a Guardian is lining up their shots. As for growing it? We simply recommend playing whatever activity you normally would and focus on those headshots. Of course, this would exclude activities like Trials and Crucible, as they aren’t as target-rich and headshots will be considerably more difficult to pull off.

    For more valuable Destiny 2 items, check out How to Get Essence of Dawning in Destiny 2 on MyFullGames.


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